Fencing Gaining Popularity



Another article on the growth of fencing.

Athleticbusiness.com published a story on the increase in popularity of fencing as a youth sport. The article was focused on the Philadelphia area where they spoke to area fencing clubs and highlighted the

In discussing the benefits of fencing, Kate Thomas of Delaware Valley Fencers Club said: “It’s a great way for kids to learn skills about self-control, strategic thinking. Kids of all different types can have fun with fencing and find success in it.”

Fencing is the only sport that covers each of the American College of Sports Medicine’s recent recommendations on the quantity and quality of exercise adults should get, said Mark Masters – head of the Fencing Academy of Philadelphia. For instance, it advises a workout should be cardiovascular, involve anaerobic and aerobic endurance, enhance flexibility, and develop upper and lower body strength. Fencing also has a fine-motor skill component.

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