Today the FIE Fencing App for iPhone and iPad is available in AppStore!

FIE Fencing App for iPhone an iPad is available!

FIE Fencing App for iPhone an iPad is available!

Bericht van de FIE

Today the FIE Fencing App for iPhone and iPad is available in AppStore!

On 27/7/2012 along with the London Olympics Opening Ceremony, FIE launches  the FIE App ”FIE Fencing” in three languages (English, French and Spanish).  It belongs  into the Official Olympic Apps category into the App store.  Is free and simple to use.

Users simply open the app and are available to follow all the FIE news and videos, live results directly from London 2012, world rankings, Fencing photos and Calendars.

It is available on the App store

Please note that the  first download requires a Wifi connection.

Follow us and enjoy every moment of Fencing Experience.

FIE Fencing App for iPhone and iPad

FIE Fencing App for iPhone and iPad

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